Friday, June 13, 2008


Well I've been so wrapped up in other activities that SIFF has kind of fallen by the wayside this year. I've managed to see three movies so far:

1) Milky Way
2) American Teen
3) Mysteries of Pittsburgh

I had a ticket to see Choke but I missed it.

Milky Way was an experimental film from Hungary that played at the Northwest Film Forum. Many people were falling asleep and, at times, I was on the verge. However, as I understand it, this is part of the experience of some art forms like Opera and certain south pacific island folk performances -- I'm not joking. Whether or not Milky Way was meant to be enjoyed in a dreamy haze isn't for me to say. Did I enjoy it? Sort of.

American Teen was great. High school senior year documentary with the typical cast: jock, go-getter, nerd, artsy girl, etc. It sounds trite but was really well done, I thought.

Mysteries of Pittsburgh -- I just saw this about an hour ago. I had high hopes: I like what I've read by Michael Chabon and I liked Wonder Boys on screen. Unfortunately, this didn't really captivate me. I felt like it was trying to mimick True Romance and Fight Club, with the southern belle eating pie in the diner and Cleveland, the Tyler Durden-esque wildman. Oh and Goodfellas too: at one point Nick Nolte, playing the father of the main character said something like, "are you trying to embarass me?" and I immediately thought of Joe Pesci and his, "I'm funny, how am I funny?" spiel. It just plodded along and didn't really take me, or the people sitting near me, with it. Failure to launch would appropiately describe this movie.

There was a JFK documentary that I wanted to see but will have to wait. We're going to see Jolene tomorrow and I have one ticket left in my sixer; hopefully I can find something for Sunday, which is the last day of the festival.

On the reading scene, I started Plato's Five Dialogues last night and Paul Auster's Brooklyn Follies today (I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate on Plato while waiting in line for a movie...).

1 comment:

Frank Anthony Polito said...

Wish I had known you were planning to see MYSTERIES OF PITTSBURGH the film. I would have warned you against it.

As the moderator of the official MOP boycott, I've been fighting against the release of this so-called adaptation since October 2006.

Not sure what Chabon was thinking selling the rights to the writer/director of DODGEBALL, but when I read the script, I knew it was destined to flop.

--Frank Anthony Polito, author of BAND FAGS! (Kensington, June 2008)