Monday, June 9, 2008

Interesting Developments

1) I just finished my research paper for my class. It's the longest paper I've ever written, weighing in at 21 pages (I'm an engineer remember, I never took those classes where long papers were required). Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about it. It's called "Webs of Consumption" and traces connections between various phenomena like religion, art, family, environment, architecture, etc. using consumerism as the common thread. Look for it in a fothcoming issue of Dissent...yeah, right. Anyway, it's an important accomplishment because it will determine my grade for my first course as a nonmatriculated student in the PhD in the Built Environment program at UW. Assuming I do well on this paper, and in the class I'm taking in the fall, I may have a chance to be admitted as a "real" student. We'll see about that. Meanwhile...

2) I managed to finish the third of Auster's New York Trilogy; that brings me to seventeen for the year (I need to be at twenty five by the end of this month to be on track). I'm planning on finishing two other books from my class of which we only read portions (The Production of Space by Lefebvre and The Practice of Everyday Life by Michel de Certau and friends). I've also started Saul Bellow's Ravelstein in order to get myself pumped up for my summer project: setting up an outline and reading list for the book I want to write about all the historical references in The Adventures of Augie March. I finished that book last summer on a train between Madrid and Granada and decided that not knowing what the hell Saul Bellow was referencing most of the time was annoying and made me feel like a yokel.

3) While this blog remains somewhat scattered, the real focused action is over at the Green Housing Collaborative. I actually don't post over there as much as I should but I'm still getting lots of hits. I just passed a thousand page views yesterday!

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