Friday, August 29, 2008


John McCain's pick for his VP makes me think two things:

1) He's (rightfully) scared of Obama/Biden.
2) I wish Tina Fey were still on Saturday Night Live because she'd probably do a great impression.


DJ.Brian said...

Andrew Sullivan summed it up best:

"America is at war, its economy is teetering, its people are unsettled. And McCain gave us a 44-year-old former beauty queen..."

Winiznayne said...

She makes me want to organize my community with guns.

jeremy said...

Someone on facebook said, "Mrs. Palin needs to keep in mind that Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor." Oooh! Snap!
As far as McCain being rightfully scared? I don't think so--he and his team made the right move. My father, who wasn't going to vote, likes Palin and is now going to vote. I think McCain's going to be elected.

Keith said...

Yeah, I posted this before the RNC and before the Gallup polls showed McCain a little ahead, when I was coming down off the DNC high and looking McCain's choice as a condescending attempt to lure the female die-hard Hillary supporters to his side (assuming that women are fickle and shallow and stupid).

I too am afraid that McCain will probably win, based on our tendency to vote in the "good ol' boy" who you could just, you know, sit down and have a beer with.