Saturday, June 9, 2007

SIFF Redux

I have successfully redeemed my six remaining vouchers! Borrowing a line from Big Rig, I have to say that "this ain't no bullshit." Twenty movies is a lot. Plus, we went to see 2 Days in Paris and were unable to use vouchers! I'm tired. Next week I'm going to have to start reading again...

Anyway, my schedule for the next week is as follows:

Sunday: The Paper Will be Blue
Tuesday: The Planet
Thursday: Falkenberg Farewell
Friday: Sex and Death 101
Sunday: Cthulhu

Then, like I said, I'll have to read again. I'm about eighty pages into Augie March but I'm considering temporarily abandoning it for a biography of William James.

Tengo que estudiar espanol tambien porque salimos por Espana en 4 semanas. Manana, vamos a asistir una grupa de conversacion en el bar "Barca." No he ido todavia pero mi profesor me dio que hay muchos hispanoblantes alla. Espanol y cervezas, Que divertido!

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