Monday, December 11, 2006

Welcoming myself to the fold

So, I threatened to start one of these the other day while complaining that there are too many websites that I visit. I felt like I needed a homebase for myself; a place to organize my links and so on. Risajoy suggested that I use the bookmark function on the browser but I, being slightly interested in broadcasting my "thoughts" to the world, had my eye on doing it like this. Welcome to my work in progress!

1 comment:

Intrepidflame said...

Big Brother let’s me know all, and I now I know you have a blog. I am stoked to know that you have entered the, pardon the lame jargon, Blogosphere. I appreciate the link and I will link you to my blog too, while you work yourself up a readership. I look forward to reading your posts and even more so to meeting you in a few weeks.

Welcome Keith!