Monday, June 15, 2009

All the action is elsewhere...

I've been pouring my blogging energy into the People's Parking Lot these days so sorry I haven't been updating this dead zone. Real quick though, I'm almost done with David Foster Wallace's first novel, The Broom of the System. I believe this is book 245 for the year but who's counting, right?

I'm also neck deep in Bachelard's The Poetics of Space and Barzun's From Dawn to Decadence, the latter of which everyone with an interest in cultural history should read. It's a 900 or so page tome but it's worth it, at least from my vantage point (about 200 pages in).

But, seriously, the real action is on the People's Parking Lot


heidi said...

We want Saul updates! :)

Sounds like the People's Parking Lot is keeping you busy (and entertained)!

Hi to Risa.

Keith said...

I hear you're going to meet Saul (and me) in real life in a few days. Looking forward to it!